
We are 16,000 employees connecting people and companies to the best energy solutions. For a more sustainable world.

Energy is an essential commodity that must never be lacking. Energy is development, dignity, momentum.

Our job is to overcome all technical and technological obstacles to bring quality energy to wherever our customers need it, with sustainability. To do this, we are always looking for innovative people who are motivated to transform lives through energy.

Experience and innovation: Energy in infinite possibilities

With 118 years of experience, we could slow down. But the energy of restlessness, of curiosity about what we can do and discover, is in the DNA that drives us.

That's why, when you work with us, you'll hear a lot about innovation, renewable energies, sustainability, electric cars, reforestation, conscious consumption...

Because, more than energy, we bring transformation. And we do this by developing the best solutions for our clients, but also by investing in education, culture and the sustainable development of the regions in which we operate.
Come and transform with us

Leading employees

Now that you know a bit about us, we'd like to introduce you to the people who make it all happen: the 16,000 people who work for the Energisa Group. People from all walks of life, who live in all five regions of the country and work together to transform every corner of this country.

An "ordinary" working day in the Pantanal

If you've taken a look at our social networks, you'll have noticed that we put a lot of emphasis on our teams and the incredible stories they tell in their day-to-day work.

To get power to customers, our frontline staff use cars, motorcycles, trucks, boats and even horses. They go into the forest, step on mud, abseil down transmission towers and, along the way, take care of animals that get stuck in the power lines.

What motivates our people

In our offices, customer service centers and stores, the stories are different, but just as engaging.

There are people who develop technological solutions that allow energy to reach remote places, who use all available technologies to prevent power outages, who learn sign language to provide better service, who go to the Amazon to help plant 5,000 trees. All of this is energy. It's the transformation we make happen together.

A team proud to belong

According to the Great Place to Work (GPTW) ranking, we are among the 70 best companies to work for in Brazil, with 93% proud to belong. Do you want to know what makes us even happier than this result? That this pride also infects the families of the people who work with us. If this photo gallery isn't heartwarming enough?

How we take care of our people

If the customer is at the center of everything we do and think, the people who work here are at the base. That's why we consistently invest in continuous development, in recognizing their commitment, in encouraging innovation and in bringing them more and more into our business.

With monthly Pulse Surveys, we monitor the perceptions of our teams throughout Brazil and make adjustments to
operations so that we are always aligned.

Diversity & inclusion

The diversity of our teams is fundamental to bringing the best energy to everyone. That's why valuing and boosting the plural energy of all people is our mission, enabling the different points of view of each person to be explored, boosting innovation and contributing to a culture of well-being, trust and high performance, which is part of our brand. 


To ensure that all types of professionals have the opportunity to broaden their skills and competencies, we have structured a complete network of internal and external development programs. This network also extends to society, through partnerships that train specialized workers for our activities.

Career management & development

The Energisa Group is constantly expanding and our teams are encouraged to grow with us. In order to accelerate the development of our people and lead them to new positions, we have an efficient system for monitoring each stage of their career, which provides clarity on the paths available to them.


Remuneration and recognition for our teams follow the best market practices. Our company was one of the first in the world to grant profit-sharing to the workforce, back in 1925, and continues to do so, also distributing Remuneration on Results to the leadership.

Is Energisa for women?

Of course! The rise of women to leadership positions and their inclusion on the front line is very important to us. That's why we invest in specific educational programs, mentoring and support groups. To our delight, the number of women working in technical areas is growing every year.

Is Energisa for young people?

Yes, it is! For us to be able to operate in so many market segments, we need all profiles in our talent selection. Our units throughout Brazil have 300 trainees, o Trainee program receives 57 young professionals on a path designed to enable them to assume leadership positions after two years and we already have more than 600 apprentices trained by SENAI to work in our Integrated Operations Centers.

Become part of Energisa's new generation

Is Energisa for people with disabilities?

More and more! Inclusion is a continuous process of learning to adapt to meet the specific needs of each person. We are committed to transforming ourselves to welcome and develop these talents with greater quality.

We are waiting for you to give more light to your dreams,
your projects and your achievements.

In a Group with so many business fronts and which is constantly growing, we are always looking for different types of vacancies in our units. Follow our vacancies and:

Come with us!

 Register here